July 27, 2024

October 13th: The great miracle of the Sun Featured

In 2018 the 100 years of the miracle of the sun in Fatima, Portugal, concluded, which was seen by nearly 70,000 people and reported by various European newspapers including the antichristian masonic Portuguese press.

In 2018 the 100 years of the miracle of the sun in Fatima, Portugal, concluded, which was seen by nearly 70,000 people and reported by various European newspapers including the antichristian masonic Portuguese press. The great majority of the witnesses did not believe in the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children, which happened at midday, on the 13th of each month, from May 1917, and they came on that 13th of October to see if the Blessed Virgin’s promise to perform a public miracle so that all would believe, was true.

Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1917)

Almost eight months had passed since the angel last appeared. Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta continued to do what the angel had taught them, praying and offering sacrifices to God. Lucia was now 10, Francisco 9 and Jacinta 7 years old, when on the 13th of May 1917 they decided to take their sheep to the hills, known as Cova da Iria or Irene’s cove, which belonged to her father. It was there, with the one exception, where the Blessed Virgin, under the name of “Our Lady of the Rosary”, appeared to them on six occasions in 1917 and a ninth time, to Lucia only, in 1920.

At this time the Second World War was destroying Europe. In Moscow, Lenin was preparing the Revolution which inverted the Russian social order in 1917 and in which later nearly half the inhabitants of the world were caught in the terror of Communism.

The first apparition: 13th may 1917

As they took their flock out of Ajustrel on the morning of the 13th of May, feast day of our lady of the Most Holy Sacrament, the children passed Fatima, where the parish and the cemetery were located and continued for around a kilometre towards the north to the slopes of Cova. They played in the meadow where there were some oak trees as their sheep grazed. Around mid-day, after finishing lunch, they decided to say the rosary, although rather quickly, saying only the first and last words of each sentence. Instantly they were startled by a great beam of light in the sky. Believing that a storm was approaching, they discussed if they should take the sheep and head home. As they prepared to do so, they were again taken aback by the great light.

They began to go downhill with the sheep towards the path when they saw another beam of light near an oak tree and after a few more steps, they saw, near a smaller tree about a metre and a half tall, a lady dressed in white from whom intense rays of light like the sun were radiating. They stopped, amazed by the apparition. They were so near that they were inside the light that surrounded them.

“Do not fear, I won’t harm you”.” Where are you from?” Lucia asked the lady. “I am from heaven”, she replied. The lady was wearing a white robe with a gold border that reached down to her feet. In her hands she held a rosary, whose beads looked like stars, with a crucifix that was the most radiant jewel of them all. “What do you want of me? “, asked Lucia. I want you to return here on the 13th of every month during the next six months at the same time. Then I will tell you who I am and what I want the most. I will return here a seventh time”. “And will I go to heaven? Asked Lucy. “Yes, you will go to heaven”. “And Jacinta?” “She will also go”. “And Francisco?” “He also, but first he will have to pray many rosaries”.

Afterwards Lucia remembered some of her friends who had died. “And is Maria Nieves in heaven?” “Yes, she is in heaven”. “And Amelia?” “She is in purgatory. You will offer yourselves to God and you will accept all the sufferings that He may send you, in reparation for all the sins that offend Him and for the conversion of sinners”. “We will do that”, answered Lucia. “You will have to suffer a lot, but the grace of God will be with you and will make you strong”.

As the lady said these words, she opened her hands and the children were bathed in a celestial light which seemed to come directly from her hands. They then fell on their knees repeating the prayer: “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore thee ...

The children remained kneeling in that torrent of light, until the Lady again mentioned the war in Europe, of which the children had little idea. “Pray the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and the end of the war”. After this the Lady ascended slowly towards the east until she disappeared in the distance. The light which surrounded her seemed to enter the heavens.

The Virgin asked them to keep the vision secret, knowing the difficulties they would face if the events were known. However, Jacinta couldn’t contain herself and told her mother everything, who listened to her carefully but attached little credibility to the facts. Her brothers and sisters made fun of her. Only her father, “Uncle Marto”, was inclined to accept that her story was true. He believed in the honesty of his children and he had a simple appreciation of God’s works, so that he became the first believer in the apparitions of Fatima.

Lucia’s mother, on the other hand, when she finally heard what had happened, believed that her own daughter was not only promoting fraud but also blasphemy. Lucia immediately understood what the lady meant when she said they would suffer a lot. Her mother Maria Rosa couldn’t get Lucia to retract, even with threats and finally forced her to go to the parish priest, Father Ferreira, who had no success either. On the other hand, Lucia’s father, who wasn’t very religious, was practically indifferent, attributing everything to women’s tales. The following weeks, while the children were waiting for the next visit of the lady in June, they had few villagers for them and many against.

The second Apparition: 17th June 1917

The 13th of June in Portugal is the great feast day of Saint Anthony of Lisbon, commonly known as Saint Anthony of Padua. He was a Portuguese Franciscan priest. Lucia’s parents thought that the festivities of the parish of Fatima would distract Lucia from her appointment at Cova. Not affected by the situation however, Lucia and the Martos went to the site of the apparition to fulfil their mid-day appointment. When they arrived they saw a small multitude waiting for them.

After reciting the rosary with Jacinta and Francisco as well as those present, they once again saw the reflection of the light as it approached and after the lady on the same oak tree as in May.

“Please tell me lady what do you want of me?” asked Lucia. “I want you to come here the 13th of next month. I want you to continue saying the rosary every day. After each mystery, my children, I want you to pray as follows: Oh my good Jesus, forgive our sins, free us from the fire of hell. Take all souls to heaven especially those most in need of your divine mercy. I want you to learn to read and write and then I will tell you what else I need of you”. “Will you take us to heaven?” “Yes, very soon I will take Jacinta and Francisco with me but you will stay for another while since Jesus wishes you to make me known and loved in this land. He also wants you to establish in the whole world devotion to my Immaculate Heart”. “Must I remain in the world alone?” “Not alone, my daughter, and you mustn’t be sad. I will always be with you and my Immaculate Heart will be your consolation and the path that leads you to God”.

When she said these last words, she opened her hands and transmitted for the second time the reflection of that intense light. In the palm of the lady’s right hand there was a heart surrounded with thorns which seemed to pierce it. The children understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary offered up for the sins of humanity and desiring reparation. The apparition finished as on the first occasion, with the lady ascending towards the east and disappearing in the sky.

Some of those present saw the beams of light; others saw a certain darkening of the sun and others a small grey cloud which came and went as the apparition occurred. Nevertheless, the difficulties with their families did not stop, especially with their mothers, who were truly alarmed as the rumours continued and were spreading. To this was added the ardent caution of the parish priest, who started to suspect that everything was real but was the work of the devil.

The Third apparition: 13th of July 1917

As the date of July drew near, Lucia continued to be worried by the words of the parish priest, who warned her that the devil could be behind the apparitions. Finally she confided to Jacinta that her intention was not to go. But when the day finally came her fears and anxieties disappeared so that at twelve o’clock she was at Cova with Jacinta and Francisco, waiting for the arrival of the lady.

The apparition of the 13th of July was the most controversial with the Lady giving a secret in four parts which the children jealously guarded on her instructions. The revelations were to be secret among themselves.

Jacinta said to Lucia; “Speak; the lady is talking to you”. “Yeah”, said Lucia, asking forgiveness for her doubts with her gestures, and she said to the lady “What do you want of me?” “I want you to come here on the 13th of next month. Continue to pray the rosary every day in honour of our lady of the rosary, to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, because only the rosary can achieve it”. “Yes, yes. I would like to ask you who you are and if you could do a miracle so that everyone may know that you are appearing to us”.

“You must come here every month, and in October I will tell you who I am and what I want. Then I will do a miracle so that all may believe”. Lucia began to put before the lady the petitions that the people had entrusted to her. The lady said very gently that she would cure some but not others. “What about the paralytic son of Maria of Capelinha?” “No, he will not be cured of his disease or of his poverty, and he must make sure to pray the rosary with his family every day”. Another case recommended by Lucia to the lady was that of a sick woman from Atougia who asked that she be taken to heaven. “Tell her not to be in a hurry. Tell her that I know very well why and when I will come for her. Make sacrifices for sinners and continue to say, especially when you make a sacrifice: “Jesus, this is for love of you, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.

The First part of the secret

While the lady was saying these words she opened her hands, as she had done in the two previous months, but this time the rays of light penetrated the ground and the children saw how a sea of fire opened up. Within this fire there were devils and human souls like transparent coals in flames, all black or burned bronze and floating in the fire; at times they were thrust into the air by the flames which came out together with great clouds of smoke and they fell on all sides as sparks in enormous fires and screams of pain and despair. The children shook with fear. Lucia shouted. The devils looked like repugnant unknown animals, black and transparent like coals in flames. Horrified, the children looked at the lady who told them sadly: “What you have seen is hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If you do what I say, many souls will be saved and there will be peace in the world”.

The Second part of the secret

The Virgin continued: “This war will end, but if men do not stop offending God another more terrible war will begin during the pontificate of Pius XI. (This data is very revealing, because in 1917 Pope Benedict XV was head of the Church and there was no way the children could know that the next Pope would be Pius XI). When you see a night lit up by a great strange and unknown light you will know that this is the sign that God is giving you and which will show that he is about to punish the world with war and hunger and with persecution against the Church and the Pope. (This happened on the night of the 28th of January 1938, and was seen in all of Europe. Scientists explained it as an unusual aurora borealis). To prevent this, I will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. If my desires are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace, if not, Russia will spread her errors around the world, bringing new wars and persecutions against the Church; the just will be martyred and the Pope will have much to suffer, many nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Pope will consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart and she will be converted. The world will then enjoy a period of peace”.

The Third part of the secret

After what the lady told them about the Second World War, the children saw on high an angel who was carrying a sword of fire in his left hand. Gleaming, the sword emitted flames that seemed they were going to set fire to the world but they were quenched on contact with the splendour the lady radiated with her right hand directed towards it. Pointing at the earth with his right hand, the angel said in a strong voice: “Penance, penance, penance”! And the children saw, within a huge light, a scene as if in a mirror: a bishop dressed in white, who they felt was the Pope, fleeing from a city in ruins, half shaking and with faltering step over the corpses of many priests and lay people. Saddened, he was praying for all the dead he met along the way. After this, they saw the Pope go up a mountain at the top of which there was a great cross of rough cork-like wood. Having arrived at the top of the mountain, prostrate on his knees at the foot of the cross, the Pope was killed by a group of soldiers who fired various bullets and arrows at him; other bishops, priests, male and female religious and lay people died in the same way. Under the arms of the cross there were two angels and each of them, with a glass jar in their hand, collected the blood of the martyrs and sprinkled the world and the souls who were drawing near to God with it.

The Fourth Part of the secret

After the vision of the Pope fleeing from the city in ruins and assassinated on the hill, the Virgin showed them the vision of an individual who appeared to be a “Pope”, a bishop dressed in white in front of a multitude that cheered him. This person was not the true Pope as he had the stare of a devil. After a while they saw this false “Pope” enter a horrible Church that led to hell. It looked like a fort made of grey cement with twisted angles and windows like eyes and a sharp beak on the roof of the building. Immediately they raised their eyes towards the lady who said to them: “You have just seen the apostasy, the loss of faith in the Church. In the reign of John Paul II, the cornerstone of Peter’s tomb must be removed and taken to Fatima. As the dogma of the faith will not be kept in Rome, its authority will be removed and given over to Fatima; Portugal will keep the faith. The Cathedral of Rome must be destroyed and another new one built in Fatima”.

The fourth apparition: 19th of august 1917

In an effort to know the truth, the Mayor of the district where Fatima is situated, Arturo Santos, an apostate Mason of high rank, had planned a trap which would leave the children in his custody, thus forcing them to reveal everything. Pretending an act of good faith, he volunteered to take the children to see the parish priest who he said wanted to see them. After, he would take the children in his own car to the place of the apparitions in a safe manner in the middle of the multitude that surrounded them. He called for them on the morning of the 13th of August.

In the parochial house he abandoned this trap and kidnapped the children, taking them to the headquarters of the district in Vila Nova de Ourem, nine kilometres away. There he tried to buy them, made death threats and locked them in a cell with other prisoners to make them retract their story. Seeing that he was getting nowhere in his effort to corrupt them, he resorted to his last strategy. Full of anger he ordered one of the guards: “Take them to the room next door and prepare the cauldron with boiling oil”. After, he began to take them one by one to another room, lying to the children that remained that he had proceeded to kill the one he had taken before, pressurising so that the survivor would admit that everything about the apparitions was a fraud.

Meanwhile in Cova, at mid-day on the 13th of August, the characteristic external signs of the apparition became visible for the multitude that came, the largest to date. After the signs finished the children didn’t arrive and the crowd dispersed without knowing anything about the traps set by the local government against them.

The “Trial” against the children lasted three days, which worried the families a lot. Finally, on the feast day of the Assumption of our Lady into heaven, the 15th of August, the Mayor, seeing he had achieved nothing, returned them to Fatima and left them at the entrance to the parish rectory. There, they were seen by the people leaving mass who were greatly delighted.

As regards the plans of the lady from heaven, these were simply delayed six days. On Sunday the 19th Lucia, her brother Juan and Francisco were grazing their sheep in a place called Valinhos, situated at the side of the same hill opposite Ajustrel, where the angel appeared to them twice the year before, a little more to the north. At around four in the evening, feeling that the lady was about to appear, Lucia tried unsuccessfully to convince Juan to go and get Jacinta, until she offered him a few cents to go and get her. While she and Francisco waited, they saw the typical light that was descending. At the moment Jacinta arrived, the lady appeared.

“What do you want of me?” asked Lucia. “That you come again to Cova da Iria on the 13th of next month and that you continue praying the rosary every day. On the 13th of October I will do a miracle so that all may believe”. “What should we do with the offerings that people leave in Cova da Iria?” “I want you to make two platforms (to carry statues) for the feast day of our lady of the Rosary. I want you and Jacinta to carry one of them with two other girls. The two of you will dress in white. And then I want Francisco with the help of three other boys to carry the other. The boys must also dress in white. What remains of the offerings will help with the building of a chapel which must be built here”.

The fifth apparition: the 13 of September 1917

In spite of the ridicule and mockery caused by the secular and atheist local press, more than thirty thousand people gathered in Cova for the apparition on the 13th of September. Now, while they were praying the rosary the crowd could see the children stand up and look towards the east and see how admiration seized their faces. They had knelt down and people near Lucia heard her say: “What do you want of me?” “Continue to pray the rosary my little children, do it every day so that the war may end. Our lord will come in October, as well as our lady of perpetual help and our lady of Mount Carmel. Saint Joseph will appear with the child Jesus to bless the world. Your sacrifices are pleasing to God but he doesn’t want you to put on the cords at night going to sleep. Put them on during the day only”.

The sixth apparition: the 13th of October 1917

During the night of the 12th to the 13th of October, rain fell soaking the ground and the thousands of pilgrims who were travelling to Fatima from all parts of Portugal. They came on foot, in cars and carts, entering the Cova region by the Fatima-Leria road which passes in front of the plaza of the Basilica. From there they went down to the place of the apparitions.

The children managed to arrive at the Cova amid the adulation of the believers and the scepticism of the unbelievers who had ridiculed them since May. When they arrived they noted the punctuality of the lady who had promised to arrive at mid-day. It was twelve o’clock local time. When the sun reached its zenith, the lady appeared.

“What do you want of me?” Lucia asked her. I want a chapel to be built here in my honour. I want you to continue praying the rosary every day. The war will soon finish, and the soldiers will return to their homes”. “Yes, yes...but, will you tell me your name?” “I am the Lady of the Rosary”. “I have petitions from many people, “Will you grant them?”. “Some will be granted, others I must refuse. People must amend their lives and ask forgiveness for their sins. They must not offend our Lord anymore; he is already too much offended”. And is that all you have to ask for?”. “There is nothing else”.

As our lady of the Rosary was ascending towards the east, she turned the palms of her hands towards the dark sky. Although the rain had eased up, dark clouds continued to darken the sun, which suddenly showed itself like a disc of glittering silver.

“Look at the sun”, shouted Lucia. At that moment, two different apparitions were seen: the phenomenon of the sun, witnessed by nearly seventy thousand spectators, and that which was seen only by the three children: Saint Joseph and the child Jesus who seemed to be blessing the world since they were making the sign of the cross with their hands. A little later, when this apparition finished, they saw our lord and our lady as our lady of Sorrows. Jesus seemed to bless the world, just as Saint Joseph had done. This apparition also disappeared and Lucia saw our lady once more like the known image of our lady of Carmel.

While the children saw the different apparitions of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, the crowd witnessed a different miracle, known as the famous “Miracle of the sun”. The sun came out of its’ orbit and started to “Dance” in the sky. Later it approached the earth and with its’ heat dried up the humidity of the rain that had soaked the people and all the ground in the area.

This was the last apparition for Francisco and Jacinta. Nevertheless, Our Lady appeared a seventh time to Lucy in 1920, as she had promised.

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Last modified on Friday, 02 November 2018 19:13
José Alberto Villasana Munguía

José Alberto Villasana Munguía is a Writer and analyst of political, economic and religious international affairs.

He studied Theology in the Gregorian University in Rome, Philosophy in the Angelicum University in Rome, Classical Humanities in the Centre for Higher Studies in Salamanca, Spain and International Communications in the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), specialising in Eschatology since 1995.

He is Academic Adviser to the International Institute of Human Rights.

He is a director member of the Journalist’s Club of Mexico.

He is President of the pro life civil association “Life to be Born” (Vida para Nacer).

He has received the National Award for Journalism on three occasions in the categories of in-depth investigation.

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